This is a set of several Git aliases that make using the command line client a bit easier. These can be added to the ~/.gitconfig file and modified as needed. For additional information see Using Git for Unity Projects.

Git Aliases
    # Stages all files recursively.
    add-all = "add -A"
    # Add all and commit:
    commit-all = "!git add -A;git commit"    
    # Unstages the specified staged files:
    unstage = "reset HEAD --"
    # Discard change to the specifed file or all modified files.
    discard = checkout --
    # Ammend previous commit with currently staged files:
    # Note: This should only be used for changes that have not been pused.
    amend = "commit --amend"
    # Uncommit last commit (changes committed will become uncommitted local modifications).
    # Note: This should only be used for changes that have not been pused, otherwise see "revert".
    uncommit-last = "reset --soft HEAD~"
    # Short git status output:
    s = "status -s"    
    # Launch difftool for a single file or all modified files:
    d = "difftool"
	# Log pretty listing of previous commits:
    history = "log --graph --decorate --all --pretty=format:'%h %<(15,trunc)%C(bold blue)%an %<(15,trunc)%C(bold green)%ar %<(70,trunc)%C(bold yellow)%s %w(0,0,39)%+d%C(reset)'"    
    # Log the last commit:
    last = "log -1 HEAD"
    # Checks to see if the specified file is tracked by LFS:
    # Note: Assumes usage of our .gitattributes file.
    is-lfs = "check-attr lfs"    
    # Log all LFS-tracked files that are staged:
    ls-lfs = "!git lfs status | grep LFS:"
    # Log all non-LFS-tracked files that are staged:
    ls-non-lfs = "!git lfs status | grep Git:"
    # Log files in repository (not part of LFS) by file size sorted by largest first:
    ls-large = "!git rev-list --objects --all | git cat-file --batch-check='%(objecttype) %(objectname) %(objectsize) %(rest)' | sed -n 's/^blob //p' | sort --numeric-sort --key=2 | cut -c 1-12,41- | $(command -v gnumfmt || echo numfmt) --field=2 --to=iec-i --suffix=B --padding=7 --round=nearest"
    # Verbose branch listing:
    branches = "branch -v -a"
    # Verbose remotes listing:
    remotes = "remote -v"
    # Shows commits that have not been pushed.
    pending-push = log @{push}..
    # Pushes to all remotes.
	push-all = !git remote | xargs -L1 git push --all
    # Reverts all changes to mimic origin/master.
    revert-to-master = "!git fetch origin;git reset --hard origin/master;git clean -ffdx"
    # Edits the user's config file.
    edit-config = config --global -e